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45-year-old unmarried. no girlfriend. let alone children. classic case of failure to launch. very underweight physical build. I don't even own touchpad phone but can read schematic diagrams and write low level machine code. i'm interested about gardening, bushcraft, scrap metals & survivalist subjects: black swan event, SHTF, and boogaloo party ;my youtube channel: ;this blog serving as archive both cyber & rl pursuits in life.
valin equ 0x1C hundreds equ 0x1D hpasses equ 0x1E tpasses equ 0x1F tens equ 0x0C ones equ 0x20 start movlw 0x1F ;example value coming from lm35 to movwf valin ;adc0804 and finally to 16f84 movf valin,w movwf hundreds mainhundreds movlw 0x64 subwf hundreds btfsc STATUS, C goto counthundred movlw 0x64 addwf hundreds starttens movf hundreds,w movwf tens tenspoint movlw 0x0A subwf tens btfsc STATUS, C goto counttens movlw 0x0A addwf tens movf tens,w movwf ones return counthundred movlw 0x01 addwf hpasses goto mainhundreds counttens movlw 0x01 addwf tpasses goto tenspoint