Saturday, February 6, 2021

old project

Just posting this here for record purposes.

This code will break down a decimal value to individual digits by getting its base, e.g. 125 (decimal value) to 1, 2, and 5.

valin    equ 0x1C
hundreds equ 0x1D
hpasses  equ 0x1E
tpasses  equ 0x1F
tens     equ 0x0C
ones     equ 0x20

start     movlw 0x1F  ;example value coming from lm35 to
        movwf valin      ;adc0804 and finally to 16f84
        movf  valin,w
        movwf hundreds

mainhundreds movlw 0x64             
  subwf hundreds
  btfsc STATUS, C
  goto  counthundred
        movlw 0x64
        addwf hundreds
starttens movf  hundreds,w
        movwf tens
tenspoint movlw 0x0A
        subwf tens
        btfsc STATUS, C
        goto counttens
        movlw 0x0A
        addwf tens
        movf  tens,w        
        movwf ones
counthundred movlw 0x01
        addwf hpasses
        goto mainhundreds
counttens movlw 0x01
        addwf tpasses
        goto tenspoint




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