45-year-old unmarried. no girlfriend. let alone children. classic case of failure to launch. very underweight physical build. I don't even own touchpad phone but can read schematic diagrams and write low level machine code. i'm interested about gardening, bushcraft, scrap metals & survivalist subjects: black swan event, SHTF, and boogaloo party ;my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/wejos ;this blog serving as archive both cyber & rl pursuits in life.
Monday, October 17, 2022
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Friday, August 5, 2022
Monday, August 1, 2022
mobile python ide
Might want to look at this in the future.
Pydroid 3 - IDE for Python 3 APK for Android - Download (softonic.com)
Thursday, July 7, 2022
buildozer install
> Instead of opedjdk13-jdk on debian use openjdk-11-jdk-headless.
> additional solution for init issue: pip3 install --user --upgrade buildozer
> and about ndk: /home/<your-user>/.buildozer/android/platform (put right version [error code will provide right version of ndk])
> the aidl error was fixored by copying the aidl file from usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian into the /home/.buildozer.... directory>>>/home/aca/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/build-tools/30.0.0-rc4/aidl
Sunday, March 20, 2022
casio keyboard with weak sound and dim lcd
Cleaning dust did not fix. The DC9v adapter checked out okay but was getting reading upto 11vdc from multitester. Plugging Multi-DC power regulator gave same weak sound and dim lcd result..
suspect 1 = IC Amplifier TA8227
suspect 2 = test capacitors in the power panel
Will post update soon about the issue.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
DIY table saw
A table saw in my tools inventory would really help me a lot for all-those planned woodwork projects using local/cheap lumber. There was this guy that I bought wood from, he told me cutting bevel and chamfer using coconut lumber might be almost impossible. The hardness of this wood making it very difficult to work without cracking especially if not yet dry. Age of coco lumber has its own added problems even for tools like handheld circular saw during cutting. Won't able to get clean cut out from it. More often the wood just wind up cracked to your frustration but another issue can arise like break the blade sending the broken pieces flying around and hurt somebody in the room. I do not know yet how to tell apart which one had age in it since they can be both wet and dry also. We call that kind of wood "lahing" in our local language. So the obvious answer will be drying the wood first before starting your project. Plus avoid those hardened lumber because they had already age in them. This part is hit or miss because the sellers often keep you in the dark. My objective for this table-saw tool is for making chamfers for durable tables and maybe one or two doors as well, but I want them made from cheap lumber. I can live with ugly-looking diy-project as long as they're durable. So I'd look around for price from both online and local shops to see how much money we might need for assembling one. Four are needed: the spindle, induction motor, blade, and the serpentine belt.
I found spindle at shopee and it's made in comchin :D
Simple woodworking table saw spindle shaft assembly table saw shaft push table saw shaft | Shopee Philippines
I'll be back soon once I've found suitable motor with matching price tag and where to buy it.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Site to search for people in the US
Now this will quite give you hair raising sensation at the back of your head, because once you'd obtained the address of the specified person being searched using this site, google earth can then provide you with 3d map of it. You'd know if the plants outside of their house need watering or might be useful for sinister purposes like criminal nature. It's basically free reconnaissance tool for everybody, including bad guys.
People and Business search - Public records - Background check (radaris.com)
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Store For Buying Tisa Bricks
If planning making your own pizza oven. Brick smoker/bbq. Oven to cook your powder coated steel. Tisa bricks are sold here in this store. I forgot the exact price. I think each brick range from 20-30php depending on size. This info about price might not be accurate anymore since it's been 2-3 years ago when I asked how much they were.
161 Davao-Cotabato Rd - Google Maps
Friday, January 7, 2022
LCD/LED Screen Cleaner
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Emergency/Disaster VHF Frequencies
React Philippines = 146.2000 MHz.
Delta Philippines = 142.2000 MHz.
Davao Apo Base = 154.405 MHz.