Saturday, October 7, 2023

android video issue and solution

Big Mistake: NEVER "move" multimedia files from Internal Storage into External Micro SD.  especially for larger filesize. Use "copy". It's safer. Multimedia: video, audio, pictures.

Selecting "all files" and then "move" them to your Micro SD, something bad's bound to happen unless there's this dude by the name of Virgil, who was sent from power divine to protect us from kind of shit that you don't want right now in your life. Meaning: we can do all-reckless stuff and yet, still get away without breaking anything, because supremest wisdom and primeval love. Say No More! 😆

By the way, the chances of the Micro SD card being problematic-defective are also there creating all the file damage. I'll research for softwares that'd detect and or fix should be this the case. Maybe you can scan/fix, just like harddisks when they had bad sector, IDK. 

Nevertheless, for poor souls like me, the dude that none of us really want by the name of Murphy take the place of Virgil to summon all the clusterfuck in the world. Need to be extra careful since power divine had all hope abandon, every step of the way must be verified to make our day uneventful. If necessary, I'd painstakingly copy file-by-file avoiding long hours of trying to salvage what was already irreversibly damaged by what simple "copy" command could fix. All-those precious backup files, imagine them waving goodbye 😆

Not sure whether the newer androids or newer Micro SD cards still be having those issues provided they already operate faster clock speed, but mine def still old models so the dreadful scenario over files wind up corrupted and bad-case destroyed i.e. impossible to recover, easily became case of shit bricks and world of hurt 😅

Again: don't "move" files because you're in a hurry. Copy -take the long route- those files first to the external storage, so you still have them original files should things start going wrong.

Verify on your PC for "The entire file is filled by 00 byte!" error --using "recover_mp4" program, before deleting those originals. Usually, the tell-tale sign of corrupted video, audio, or photo files are those icons not showing the content of the file like its thumbnail preview.

Notepad can also tell you straight up -if the video files that you copied were already beyond repair. Video file will be blank in notepad. If not blank, then the procedure below will be able to help you. If blank, no ASCII or anything, move on, they are no longer with us -learn from your mistake. 

Below is a good instruction video how to recover video provided it was not the 00byte case:

I'll be making a follow-up video how to increase the chances of success when transferring android files from internal storage into external disk. I'll also explore setting up a local ftp server to completely/simplify the procedure of transferring files. Makes our life a lot easier.   

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